An ancient prophecy - not just a myth but reality ...
Father and son, bitter enemies and yet united by fate. Side by side they are fighting for an immense goal - to stop the bloody demise of the last remaining tribes of the north. With a gigantic war machine the Roman Empire has been trying to subdue Germania for centuries already and brutally put down any resistance. Completely outgunned, the tribes have only one hope: an ancient prophecy. The »Nadarwinna« will come as the mythical savior and liberator of Germania.
Want to join a time-travel to a bygone era?
»A haunting adventure with bloody battles and ancient tribal feuds in war-torn Germania with precisely researched background.« This and more is what the author promises in this historical-fantasy time-travel epic. The six volumes strong »Age of Runes« saga by Mark Bredemeyer takes readers on a fabulous journey into Germany’s dark jungles and misty moors of the early 1st century.
Runes and sorceresses, fierce battles against the Roman conquerors, fearless hordes of tribal warriors who throw themselves, full of contempt for death, into a fight and a great love that overcomes even millennia. That is only part of the material of which this grandiose All-Age fantasy series is made.
And so it became the Age of Runes ...
Join the intrepid student Leon and his helpless girlfriend Julia, who are suddenly catapulted from the 21st century in Germanic tribal lands through a mysterious firestorm.
Separated, disoriented and surrounded by hostile »barbarians«, they fight in this merciless and alien world for survival. Finally Leon is admitted to the tribe of the Chauci. As Witandi - he who knows - he henceforth courageously defends himself against power-hungry Romans and cruel Langobards. However, he soon finds that he is not the only time-traveller. During an attack by the Romans at a meeting of tribal men he hears gun shots and even finds bullet casings. These were left behind from a mysterious warrior, whom all reverently call Bliksmani - lightning slinger ...
Twenty dramatic years, that went into history.
Witandi soon discovers the secret of Bliksmani, who turns out to be a dilapidated former soldier from the 21st century. Repeatedly Witandi fears for the life of his beloved wife, Frilike, - a Chauci - and his entire clan. His ingenuity soon makes him become a legend. He cleverly uses the few modern tools and the knowledge he has brought from the modern world into this archaic world for his tribe. Whether Molotov cocktails from oil amphoras or a flashlight to intimidate Roman attackers - Witandi teaches fear to his enemies. He survives numerous bloody battles and hard winters of starvation and witnesses the subjugation of the Langobards by the respected Tiberius, the future Emperor of Rome.
At the side of famous Arminius and his rebel army, he helps to defeat the three legions of Varus in a murderous battle. However, the subsequent peace is short-lived: he and the coalition of tribal warriors just barely survive the extermination campaigns of the unscrupulous Germanicus. The Roman invaders are finally banished - nevertheless, the prophecy fulfills.
Yet Witandi has no idea that it is the gods themselves, who try to avert their fate and thus the downfall of the worlds.
A detailed, well-researched fantasy-historical epic that guarantees a rousing reading pleasure - currently only available in german.
See below for blurbs of all six volumes of the Age of Runes saga ...
In the Chauci Fire
The young student, Leon, accidentally creates a mysterious storm of fire in his old fireplace which catapults him backwards into the year 1 after Christ. After the first panic, his fighting-spirit awakens and he accepts the challenge of survival in this merciless and strange world. Soon he is admitted into the Chauci tribe and becomes Witandi, The Knowing. Having to defend himself against power-hungry Romans and gruesome Langobards, he shows strength and courage. During an invasion of Romans against a meeting of Germanic tribesmen, he hears gun-shots. Obviously he is not the only time-traveler present. After finding empty gun shells he makes a shocking discovery…
War over Germania
After the brutal war between the Romans and the German tribes of Chauci, Frisians and Langobards ends, Witandi and Frilike are tragically separated once more. Although divided by milleniums, Witandi succeeds in returning to his tribe, although he is severely wounded and years have passed. In an act of desperation, he sets off in search of his beloved Frilike, who has traveled with the clan up to the legendary Amber Island in the North Sea, to spend the winter months. Marauding Langobards in the Chauci territory make it an almost impossible quest for Witandi and his companions. At the same time, Roman troops assemble an enormous fleet of war ships in the North Sea, but Witandi gets unexpected assistance …
The Rise of Arminius
An immense Roman army marches throughout the entire Germanic tribal territory up to the Elbe River, even forcing the war-loving Langobards to surrender. Germania finally seems defeated! Yet one man is grasping this opportunity to realize his very own plans: Bliksmani! He joins the Cheruscan auxiliary forces, who are fighting for the Romans. Meanwhile, when returning from Amber Island, Witandi, Frilike and their clan are captured by slave-traders from the hostile Chatti tribe in the war-torn tribal areas of the north. Taken to the Roman town of Mogontiacum, their fate seems sealed. But a surprise reunion awaits them! The prophecy of the Disir comes true and Witandi learns the whole shocking truth …
Legion of Thunder Gods
After deciphering more of the scrolls from Leon’s legacy, the archeologist Astrid makes an incredible discovery: a secret order called the Hagalians has obviously been successful in re-opening the door to the past. A group of heavily armed elite soldiers sets off to form a wall of protection around Arminius and to prevent his murder. They arrive just in time. Arminius, his Cherusci and closest allies are about to force a murderous battle on Governor Varus and his Roman legions, which ends in a massacre. The Kalashnikovs, hand-grenades and more, which the Hagalians bring, are well needed in the murderous batte. Only Leon sees the doom which the Hagalians augur, as no one can change the past …
Runes of Fate
The defeat of Varus and his legions only brings a short era of peace to the area between the rivers of Rhine and Elbe. The Romans are steadfastly continuing to pursue their goals: the rebels must be conquered and the traitor, Arminius, and his allies punished. Germanicus, a young and ambitious Roman commander, carries out these orders and brutally destroys the German tribes. Only after Witandi retrieves the lost weapons and equipment of the Hagalians, new resistance forms. Fighting grimly in several battles, the German tribes, under the leadership of Arminius, succeed in driving the Roman troops out of Germania once again. The prophecy is coming true, but at what price? The Cherusci are separated by perfidious treason and Marcomanni King Marbod sends his frightening ghost-warriors against Arminius. Witandi, Ingimer and Malcom try everything possible to change the course of events to protect Witandi’s father from his fate…
The Eternal Cherusci
Germanicus again threatens the freedom of the Germanic tribes in the spring following the battles in the year 15. Massive armies fight on the battlefields of »Idistaviso« and on the »Angrivarii embankment«. But the endless war takes it toll: Arminius has more enemies than ever. His friends and supporters become fewer and fewer, while he struggles with Marbod over the command of all the Germanic tribes. The Gods appear to have given up on the Nadarwinna. In addition to that, a series of intrigues undermine Arminius’ strength. The coalition of rebels dissolves. Yet Arminius does not realize the gigantic dimension of the prophecy. In the end no one can escape his fate – or? Witandi and the Hagalians are convinced that they can make the impossible happen …